
Since being established in 1891 Master Builders Tasmania (MBT), has been active in seeking to improve the conditions under which the building industry operates. It's a non-political and not-for-profit making organisation set up to safeguard and promote the interests of its members in their business of building and construction contracting, to assist them in the execution of their work and to encourage and promote a high standard of workmanship and integrity in the building industry.

As a registered Union of Employers under state and federal laws the Association is able to provide for its members the advantages of unity of action.

The Association prides itself on providing services to members such as:

  • Contractual and commercial services.
  • A wide range of industrial services including advice on industrial awards and legislation, settlement of individual industrial disputes, and negotiating with unions at both state and federal levels.
  • Keeping members informed on matters relevant and relating to the building industry.

The Association is actively involved on an advisory and consultative level with affiliated organisations as well as federal, state and local government authorities, architects, lending institutions and various other organisations for the purpose of maintaining and improving contractual, industrial and general business relationships within the industry.

The Association promotes all forms of education and training within the building industry to encourage and preserve skills.

Through its staff and its affiliations with a number of local, interstate, national and international service organisations, the Association is able to keep its members fully informed and advised on industry matters.

MBT is all about helping, protecting and looking after its members and the building industry within Tasmania. We achieve results through the commitment and dedication of our staff and from the loyalty and participation of our members.

Of course, MBT is constantly changing to meet the needs and expectations of its members, the business community and the general public who depend upon it. MBT provides a wide range of essential services designed to integrate into, and assist your business. Our job is to be your business partner on an as needed basis. Whether it’s GST, wage rates, insurance or legal advice, we can help in hundreds of practical business ways.

With over 600 member companies, MBT is the market leader in both the housing and commercial areas of the building industry. Members include commercial builders, housing builders, trade contractors, trade suppliers and service providers.

Our three regional offices have quality board rooms and training room facilities, all of which are available for hire.

If you operate in the building industry you may be interested in joining MBT. Explore our site to find the many benefits of being an Association member.

Master Builders Tasmania - A tradition of member support

MBT is an industry Association which represents all sectors of the local housing and construction industry. A national organisation, and is supported in every Australian state and territory.

Our membership represents 95% of all sectors of the building industry, and we are affiliated with many other key industry organisations and business groups, nationally and internationally. The diversity and strength of our membership and affiliation ensure that we can lobby effectively to all levels of government.

Our vision is to foster a healthy, productive, ethical and innovative housing and construction industry which promotes excellence throughout the building environment.

A resource for all industry players

Membership is open to anyone connected with or operating a reputable business which is associated with the housing and construction industry. This includes the commercial, housing and civil engineering sectors, subcontractors and industry consultants with businesses ranging in size from sole trader to the large consortiums handling multi million dollar projects.